When you support the Y,
you support your community
Member Dues Operate our Facilities.
Donations Change Lives.
The YMCA of Eastern Delaware County is more than a gym, swimming pool or basketball court. The Y is a charitable, nonprofit organization committed to strengthening our communities through membership and programs that provide everyone the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. Donations allow us to ensure that the basic and healthy living needs of our community are fulfilled through programs and services such as feeding programs, child care, financial assistance and health pathways.
You can help by contributing to one of the following:

Social Good
Our mission is to serve everyone in our community, to help them meet their challenges with confidence and understanding. Ensuring our neighbors have food to sustain them through our weekly food bank distributions, providing programs for our Veterans or those suffering from cancer, or hosting blood drives and job fairs, the Y is here for our community. Fulfilling these roles is more vital than ever now. Donating to this cause will help us continue these efforts and drive positive change for everyone in our community.
Doing More
The Y is more than a building, gym, pool or group ex class. Everything we do is in support of strengthening our community. The YMCA is more than a building the Y is about people – it is defined by the many caring and generous people who are members, staff, and program participants. With your donation, we will be able to continue to help our community to get healthy and provide safe, trusted care for their children.

Helping Kids
Every day we provide child care for over 1,400 children. Last year we provided summer camp experiences for over 1,200 school-age children, taught 3,200 children how to swim and trained hundreds of teens to be lifeguards. Your donation to this cause will help us do even more for the kids in our community.
Leaving A Legacy
The Community Y Foundation Heritage Club The Heritage Club recognizes individuals and families who have made a direct (outright) gift or planned gift to the YMCA’s Endowment Fund to ensure that YMCA programs will always be accessible to the people need them most. The Heritage Club simply requires a commitment of a gift now or in the future that will benefit the Endowment Fund to ensure a strong YMCA for future generations.

Connect With Others
We’re connecting individuals and groups through our TOGETHERHOOD projects and challenging them to take action on the issues facing our community today. TOGETHERHOOD helps you discover events and volunteering opportunities in your backyard and donate money to local causes.